Saturday, July 20, 2013

Why I appreciate Being Single - Reason #2

Friday night date nights with myself. I pick up take out & some good craft beer &/or wine, I put on my favorite tunes, and I hang out at home by myself working on artwork, dancing around the house, maybe streaming some SciFri, and probably entertaining my animals. These nights are really special for me, because I get to tune into ME. It’s like a time of solidarity with myself, because I get to spend time truly enjoying my own company. It’s very encouraging and empowering to bask in the appreciation of who I am as a person. I really have a lot of fun. J

Now, I know you might be thinking that you can do this while in a relationship, too. And yes, you can. But it’s not the same. It’s infrequent- maybe this happens while the boyfriend is out of town, or out with the dudes for the night. And even then, the vibe is different. The sense of gratification of being happy & comfortable with your autonomy is diluted. And maybe that’s not true for everyone, but it is for me. These nights are just more special when I’m on my own. 

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