Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Why I Appreciate Being Single - Reason #6

Because I take pride in the fact that I can be happy and comfortable being alone. It's not always easy! I don't always have a shoulder to cry on, or someone to give me a hug when I've had a bad day. I usually need to take vacations alone if there's somewhere I really want to go. I never have a +1 to weddings or to company Christmas parties. I don't have anyone to share inside jokes with. I mostly snuggle with pillows. And sometimes I go way too long without good sex! But I've learned I can deal with it. And not only can I deal with it, but I can still be totally happy without them!

These things have also opened up opportunities for other great experiences in my life. I've learned how to be a comfort to myself. I've been brave enough to travel by myself to another country where I don't speak the language, and make lots of friends! Weddings and Christmas parties are usually lame and I can dip out early unnoticed. I can laugh at my own jokes. If I feel like it, I can take hot guy home for an adventurous one night stand! ;)

Having the self-assuredness to handle these things and be just fine feels good. I am resilient. And that makes me feel strong and confident about myself. Spending a lot of time being single has given me the opportunity to learn these strengths and I'm a better person for it. ;)

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