Saturday, August 17, 2013

Why I Appreciate Being Single - Reason #30

It was brought to my attention that a lot of the reasons I've written about are all just derivations of one reason, which is having more personal time. And yes, that's technically true. But I think that's just as general as saying that all of outer space is just a bunch of particles. Of course it is. But they all form other things. Just like that extra personal time becomes many different formations of my life. It gives me more room to branch out and grow. Each of the branches have a meaning and relevance of their own, even if they stem from the same place.

I thought about different ways I would end my 30 reasons. I thought about a Grand Finale. But I wasn't feeling it now that time has come. So I think I want to end it by writing about a concept I've contemplated, something that's a work in progress.

I've read many times that if you are waiting or looking for the love of your life, to stop doing that, and start doing the things you love, and then they will find you. That sounds so simple. But it implies three important things. First, that you can fully identify all the things that you love and are most important to you. Second, that you are willing and able to prioritize them and commit the energy to pursuing them. And last, that you're willing to pursue them all on your own, regardless of whether or not there's someone that shares the passion to do them with you. One good example is this: I really want to do a lot of international travel. That's one thing I've probably held off on making as much of a priority as I should have, because of a lack of having to someone to do that with.

So being single (and having more free time) is my chance to hone in on what is going to make me and my life the most fulfilled and happy, without anyone else's agendas getting in the mix. It lends me the freedom to explore what is most important to me, and to recognize the importance to prioritize and pursue these things, even if it means a solo adventure. And that is my current challenge. To not wait for things in life to happen, and instead to make life happen. I will do what I love, and in that I will find love.

So, happy living, everyone. May we all have love and joy wherever we're at in life. Namaste!

Friday, August 16, 2013

Why I Appreciate Being Single - Reason #29

Because it's more fun getting dressed to go out when you're single. Getting dressed when I'm single, like a friend said to me, is marketing. Whether you intend to or not, you're baiting a hook. Going out in relationship, I'm just getting dressed to look cute for a few hours and end the night like usual. When you get dressed to out when you're single, you can't be sure what's in store for the night. I might not be explaining this well right now, but there is a difference. And the prior is a little more fun.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Why I Appreciate Being Single - Reason #28

Because there is a supa-fine boy in the 8pm yoga class on Thursdays. And one of the things that's even more fun than watching him do yoga is plotting how I'm going to start a conversation with him and eventually make out with him. Can't do that when I'm in a relationship.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Why I Appreciate Being Single - Reason #27

Because as much as I hate doing it, I have more time to get things done around the house. (This reason is even less glamorous than the farting reason in my opinion.) Yes, I'd rather be watching movies and making love, but the laundry needs to get done sometime and so do the dishes and vacuuming. Because I have more available time, I'm not scrambling to get them done between another 10 things in one day. I can do my chores with more leisure and they suck a little less that way.

(P.S. - This is all true, but I'm honestly not convinced this is a good reason. I'm just glad I have clean underwear and got to watch 2 episodes of Orange Is the New Black tonight.)

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Why I Appreciate Being Single - Reason #26

Because I only have my own problems and/or frustrations to deal with. Couples are entangled in each others lives. Things like bad moods, car problems, work stress, family issues, if your partner is dealing with it, to a certain extent, you are too. And I don't mean to sound selfish or unsympathetic. It's great to be in a relationship to have support and be supportive. I'm just saying that we all have our own life issues or stress to deal with, and right now, the only ones I have to address are my own. Sometimes less is more.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Why I Appreciate Being Single - Reason #25

Because first dates are fun. They usually always end with either a good feeling, or a good story. And when you're in a relationship, you only get one. ;)

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Why I Appreciate Being Single - Reason #24

Because there are often times when I'm in a position where I need to learn how to do challenging things on my own. There's no valiant boyfriend to call on for his muscles and/or technical skills. But when I rise to meet the challenge and succeed, I feel awfully proud about learning a new skill and achieving a heightened level of self-sufficiency. Now, this reason is juxtapose to my reason #20, where I write about being comfortable asking for help, and receiving help from friends. They are both valid reasons and each have their place in my single, independent life. But I don't really think it's a good idea to impose on my friends for every arduous task I encounter. I've got to save the favors for particularly rainy days. So when I'm faced with something I know might be possible for me to accomplish on my own, with a little bit of research, resourcefulness, and elbow grease, I put the effort in to make it happen. And the end result is very rewarding. Today, for example, I lugged my new, *heavy* window AC unit upstairs to my second floor apartment, dragged it into my bedroom, disassembled my old unit, and installed the new one, all by myself. I procrastinated doing this for a week. I went through a mental list of all of my man friends that might love me enough to lend me a hand. Yet, I knew I had to give it a shot on my own. So I tried, and succeeded. And at the end of the day, I feel accomplished, industrious, competent, and proud. If I were in a relationship, I wouldn't have hesitated for a moment before asking my partner to help me with this. And there's nothing wrong with that. Relationships are great because you're there to help each other. But since that's not an option available to me right now, I bit the bullet, got the job done, and added a new skill and experience to my quiver.